Colorado is joining the federal mandate to open back up the health insurance marketplaces to individuals and families who do not currently have Affordable Care Act qualified health insurance coverage. This Special Enrollment Period (SEP) will begin on Monday, February 8th, and will end on Saturday, May 15th. The purpose of this SEP is for individuals and families who are currently uninsured to enroll in coverage, and is not for those who are currently insured to change their plan, or carrier. Coverage will begin the first of the month following submission of an application / enrollment, with the soonest effective date being March 1st, and latest being June 1st. For more information about the SEP, below is the press release from the Colorado Division of Insurance.

Of course, if you experience a Qualified Life Event at any point during the year (, you will be granted your own Special Enrollment Period (60 day window) to enroll in new coverage.